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And Relax…

Sam Summers

Working full time, being a mum full time… how is there possibly time in the day to relax? I read a quote the other day by Anne Lamott that read: “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes… including you.”

With this in mind we asked six of our panel working mums how they find time to wind down during their busy schedules. If you’re struggling to find the time yourself, maybe give one a go. YOU time is important time. Health is wealth, ladies.

Dani – Veterinary Nurse, from London. Professional Cake Maker and Mum of two.

“I like to sit in a tub full of bubbles and channel my inner mermaid. I do this after the kids are tucked up in bed so I know it’s time just for me, that won’t be interrupted.”

Kristy – Associate Director, Perth. Mum to one toddler.

“I like to get to the gym at least twice a week. I found one with a creche which really helps me find time to fit this in no matter what. Getting the adrenaline pumping both energies and relaxes me.”

Sarah – Media Account Director, Sydney. Mummy to a one year old boy.

“I love to read and it’s one of the things I’ve really missed most! If I can fit in thirty minutes before bed of an evening it really helps me wind down. Sometimes I’m just too tired, but I do make the effort to try and most of the time, I’m glad I did. A herbal tea, clean bed sheets and a good book… it’ll cure anything.”

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